Monday, January 16, 2017

Hypocrisy at its finest.

Liberals have chastised Republicans and moderate Democrat's calling us many names. Just a few of those are Un-educated, Un-American, women hating, violent, racist, cry babies just to name a few. However let's look at who cried when Obama was elected? Who rioted and beat people when Obama was elected? Who threw a temper tantrum and claimed racism when Obama was elected? NO ONE! The polls were wrong they didn't take into account the silent majority. Sorry if you go by them religiously they are fallible and biased normally. The electoral college is NOT archaic and still works the way it was intended when this country was founded as a REPUBLIC NOT a democracy. NOT A DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC EITHER. Yes it goes off average of the state due to the fact that the country should not be run by those that choose to live on top of each other telling the farmers what they need to do to raise their crops. So yes it is a very fair system. Any person in government that is questioning the base of this country needs to step down from office.

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