Thursday, January 19, 2017

Hollywood liberals

 Every single hollywood actor that has opened their mouth to give voice to their personal opinion great job you have an opinion. You are more than entitled to your opinion and so is EVERYONE else regardless of the opinions that are voiced by the Actors whose job it is to PRETEND to be someone else. You do not have the right to tell me what to think or what to believe in. Once you have stopped voicing your opinion as an opinion have stated it as a fact that should be known and accepted by ALL you have overstepped your role.

 Anyone that disparages President Elect Donald J. Trump because he was on a T.V. show you need to reread history as President Reagan and his wife were Actors before they went into politics. Give DJT a chance to either do well or to hang himself with his own policy. Stop acting as if your opinion is all that means a thing.  The only person that your opinion really matters to is yourself and those that agree with you. The rest of us wish you would just be quiet and let be what is as you told us soooooo many times over the past eight years.


disrespectful congress members

     To all the democrats in the congress and the senate

If you can't find a way to show respect to this country and the decision that was made by the majority of the American citizens. Each and every one of you that are deciding not to go to the inauguration  you are not only disrespecting Donald J. Trump the in-coming president but you are disrespecting the people that voted you into office along with the rest of the country. Each and every one of you regardless of your reasons is disrespectful and needs to sit down in that office chair you got write out a nice apology to your constituents as to why you feel that you can't do the job that you were elected to do. while you are at it since you can't do the job you were elected to do write out your letter of resignation. Make sure you send that letter to not only the 45th president of the United States of America it also needs to be sent to every person in your district. then you pack your disrespectful attitude up with the rest of your stuff and vacate the premises so that someone that will do the job can sit in that office!

Voter fraud

Despite what Obama says about voter fraud being fake news IT IS NOT fake news.

As an example look at Detroit this election cycle during the recount it was found that there was well over the number of votes than the population of the city. It is suspected that some of those votes were from absentee ballots of those dead and gone. It would be a shame if a particular person not just party thought it was alright to abuse the names of our ancestors. That is a sickening thought.

I'll leave you with this thought while we ask people to register to vote all you are required to show is a picture I'd. This is so we don't get that kind of issue. Absentee ballots are specifically for those that can't make it to the polls to cast their vote ie the elderly those in the military stationed over seas truckers have a hard time making it home at specific times as well. To have our people abused in such a way is just .................. well you get the idea.

Please comment your thoughts and share.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Just a side note

Please leave me ideas of what you would like me to do reaserch on and I will give you my honest opinion.

Shameful hate filled Demogougary

        The things that are happening in America this week are utterly disgusting and contemptuous.
It is my OPINION that anyone that has a problem should use their words. to put it bluntly KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF! if you can't express yourself as a civil person then you need to go off to your corner and scream then come back and hold a civilized educated conversation.

       To treat people as if they are nothing but dirt under your feet is beyond disgraceful. Every single person in this country should have more RESPECT than that for our fellow human beings. For anyone to preach hatred and war just to stay in the public spotlight as certain individuals have done to make themselves relevant is sickening and degrading for those that listen to the HATE.

      While I do not agree with how Kaepernick took a knee during the national anthem and I find those actions disrespectful, shameful and distasteful he has worked to try to help fix the divide that certain people are trying to make wider. Hate is not the answer to any problem. Throwing money at a problem will not fix the problem that is just putting a band-aid on the issue while the issue grows and becomes infected until you have to pour alcohol on it to help kill the infection.

      Let's love each other enough to put aside political differences, color (since it does not matter we all bleed the same color) and let's look to the future. We can come together under a Trump administration and work together to make our communities a place to be proud to raise our children.

Please leave your thoughts in the comments and share with your firends thank you in advance.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

EPA and it's gross overreach

The EPA has taken it upon themselves to tell other regulation groups how to do their job.

If you are or know a person that suffers or lives with Asthma you know what I am referring to. Almost 7 years ago the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) took a stroll over to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). While watching over their shoulders the EPA decided that the FDA was not doing the job they were hired to do and obviously the EPA did not have enough to keep them busy (even though there were still plants in Chicago that were pumping chemicals in to lake MI.)
this page basically tells the reader and Asthma sufferers "Sorry we know it works well but the CFC'S or the propellant used are harming the much more important ozone. It doesn't matter if you can't breath if we hurt the ozone."

While some people will tell you that the only inhalers that were taken off the market are the "over the counter" versions. I can tell you as an asthma sufferer that i paid $4.00 every month without having insurance for the original Albuterol Inhaler that I had to have a perscription for to get every month. I will also say that the inhalers that we have to deal with today are a waste of money and energy as far as I am concerned. Before anyone asks yes I have asthma; I was born with it.
This particular article was written by another Asthma sufferer such as myself that happened to be lucky enough to have extra inhalers (lucky).

So what this all basically comes down to it the U.N. and the EPA had decided that the Ozone is more important the the ability to breathe for Asthma sufferers. In order to control my Asthma I now have to use not only a bronchodialator but a steroid as well just so I can do day to day work outside. Mind you that steroid costs almost $550.00 for one discus and the bronchodialator or inhaler costs almost $60.00. Mind you I also have allergies on top of the Asthma which makes it all the worse. Please President trump get rid of the regulations on medication that can actually help people.

please comment and share your thoughts.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Hypocrisy at its finest.

Liberals have chastised Republicans and moderate Democrat's calling us many names. Just a few of those are Un-educated, Un-American, women hating, violent, racist, cry babies just to name a few. However let's look at who cried when Obama was elected? Who rioted and beat people when Obama was elected? Who threw a temper tantrum and claimed racism when Obama was elected? NO ONE! The polls were wrong they didn't take into account the silent majority. Sorry if you go by them religiously they are fallible and biased normally. The electoral college is NOT archaic and still works the way it was intended when this country was founded as a REPUBLIC NOT a democracy. NOT A DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC EITHER. Yes it goes off average of the state due to the fact that the country should not be run by those that choose to live on top of each other telling the farmers what they need to do to raise their crops. So yes it is a very fair system. Any person in government that is questioning the base of this country needs to step down from office.

please comment and share you thoughts.

Whiskey and Lucky

While politics is an important topic we ALL need to remember to smile.